Polybags Direct Leicester offer speedy delivery on loose fill packaging.

Loose fill packaging

Void and loose fill is recommended for filling remaining space after the items and its protective packaging have been assembled and packed in the outer box.

Ideal for feeding via hopper. Void and loose fill prevents problems created by the existence of unnecessary spaces or voids within a package. The free flowing nature of loose fill packing chips means that they can be used in any size box to void fill. Void and loose fill creates an interlocking matrix around product that will not settle during transit. Void and loose fill contains recycled material and is reusable. Clean, lightweight polystyrene ideal for all types of void filling. Volume guide: 15 cubic feet of of void and loose fill would fill a regular sized bath.

Capacity (litres)PriceOur reference
Polystyrene loosefill - capacity 425 litres

Void and loose fill is recommended for filling remaining space after the items and its protective packaging have been assembled and packed in the outer box. Ideal for fragile and irregular shaped items. Void and loose fill provides excellent cushioning against shock and crushing. Void and loose fill is lightweight and minimises carriage costs.

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    Leicester based loose fill packaging.
